For the Love of a Car
There's no denying of the fact that poetry doesn't come to a person on the run. It's too much to expect a poem from somebody who sprints to reach the finishing line, for that's the brief of his mentor. Yeah! The infallible mentor, the demanding mentor. I think I should describe my situation like this, very much like a sprinter sprinting and panting. If I get at least some time I can browse and make me comfortable to hit the keyboard or scribble on a paper. That's just not happening. Even I'm not sure if I can spare a couple of hours for my hair-cut on coming Sunday. There's nothing to complain, for I'm running for my bread...and poetry can wait. Oh yes, I can always scribble my old poems till they get exhausted. Here's one, at least for the time being.
More cars, less roads
The pushier ones steer ahead
for a patch of ‘free’ asphalt.
No longer a car is a car
One owns for the thrill of owning;
It’s not a dream
nor a dream come true.
It’s just a burden of loan,
The future sold out on heavy discount;
A heap of fearsome reminders
of the taxman and insurance fellow
and of the banker,
whose deadline one tends to forget.
A threat of fine
from the abominable traffic man
looms large every traffic circle…
Whom to please, and how--
The cold-looking man at parking;
Or the cunning mechanic
whose infallible words
rule the machine
down to its last screw;
Or the contemptuous scooterist
whose smooth slim bike
was in for a filthy kiss
from the wayward cab…
The mind-boggling varieties of them.
“The dream at your door step”
So says
the hullabaloo of print and telly
maddening in content and sweep,
And indoctrinates a horde of them
every day from the car-less melee.
A home away from home
They try to indulge in everything
below its painted roof,
Unbecoming romance overpowers them
down the sequestered nooks.
The homeless cars
lie scattered as uncared-for urchins
competing each other for a score of square feet
in the disquiet proximity of pavement dwellers.
At the filling station
the quiet mother-like pumps
hesitate to suckling them
the life-giving drops
very much like an over-milked cow
or an anaemic mother
to her fourteenth offspring.
Their plights being at their height
why can’t they unite
and dislodge the owners
for their wanton indifference?
This is an ‘over-carred’ world!!
Maybe everything is fair in love and war
But it’s certainly not
for the love of the car.
A. N Nanda
Labels: In Harness: my old poems
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